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Klub Zbrane [ŽP: 24 týdnů] (kategorie Věda a Technika) moderují Al, El_Diablo, ocs, themajkl.
Domovská stránka aktualizována 2.12.2019 04:02
Omlouvám se ale bohužel jsem musel zakázat psaní anonymům, protože nám tu nějaký sabotér vložil "hack" kvůli kterému nešlo přispívat nikomu. Nevím jestli to pomůže, ale snad nad tímto darebákem budeme mít větší kontrolu.
Srdečně zveme do tohoto klubu všechny, kteří se zajímají o zbraně, střelbu a všechno, co s tím souvisí a chtějí si o tom všem v přátelské atmosféře povídat, poradit druhým, nebo se naopak chtěji zeptat na radu.

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    mpts mpts Je to jinak, ba přesně naopak! 7.1.2013 17:32  20160
    Tessien [20159]: Jak well done? Vždyť utekl!
    tessien Tessien Of course slavery is the worst thing - that ever happened. But maybe... 7.1.2013 12:22  20159
    Well done!Žena na mateřské zahnala z domku zloděje, pistolí bránila dítě
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 6.1.2013 23:50 - Klub Zbrane (18:46) 20158
    vilda vilda 6.1.2013 15:33  20157
    Na kolik ta dvouhlavňová legrace vyjde peněz?
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 5.1.2013 18:54  20156
    158 je zu mnoho. Avšak tento švýcarák nosím léta a léta a jsem s ním dlouhodobě extrémně spokojen.

    (Ale tu dvouhlavňovou bambitku bych tedy nechtěl, resp. leda snad jako sbírkovou exotiku.)

    progun progun 5.1.2013 14:53  20155
    něco jako ten švýcarák se 158 želízky. je to pěkný, technicky zajímavý, ale v praxi se to nepoužívá
    anonym 5.1.2013 10:02  20154
    Poněkud mi uniká smysl té pistole. Snad kdyby Luisa a Lotka chtěly začít s IPSC. balcar
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 4.1.2013 15:12  20153
    Tady je to varieto:

    Double-barrel 1911 lands ATF approval, importation to begin next year

    The ATF has given Arsenal the green light to import their double-barreled, double-everything 1911. Arsenal turned a lot of heads a few months back when they announced their truly unique handgun, the AF2011-A1, but many assumed that the gun would never wind up for sale in the U.S., because it fires two cartridges with one pull of the trigger, making it a machine gun according to federal law.

    Arsenal maintained that their double trigger design, and matching pair of sears and hammers, would not raise the hackles of the gatekeepers of the guns, and they were right on the money. From their press release:

    "The US Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has officially granted import permission and sale in the United States of America of the AF2011-A1 Second Century double barrel pistol, with a total score of 120 Points, according to Form 4590.

    "Arsenal Firearms Group proudly announces the official distribution to America of the whole line of double barrel firearms and dedicated accessories starting on January the 1st 2013, through the appointed US Importer of Record, Apex International LLC of Middletown, CT and according to a 'Direct Dealer Distribution.'

    "The Company wishes to take this opportunity to thank warmly the millions of followers, enthusiasts and supporters in the United States of America and worldwide: they are part of the dream and indeed our main reason to be."

    We can't help but be excited about this crazy handgun. Yes, it's ridiculous, we completely agree with that. It's two inches thick and weighs four pounds unloaded. Even with a full set of magazines it's got a capacity of 8+8+1+1 rounds, and it's probably going to cost a cubic foot of money.

    It's just… we're so surprised that this gun is going to even be available. How can we not want to get behind one?

    Arsenal says that they will have a full line of firearms and accessories and they will launch all of it at the 2013 SHOT Show. This may mean just the AF2011-A1, but we hope it means their Second Century double 1911 chambered in .38 Super and also their highly-anticipated Strizh pistols.

    Their Strizh, or Strike One as they plan to market it in the U.S., is a truly 21st century handgun, a striker-fired pistol built on either a polymer or alloy frame designed for law enforcement and competition use. The Russian ministry of defense has already announced that they intend to retire the Makarov and replace it with the Strizh.

    Arsenal is a joint Russian and Italian firm that's still just a couple of years old, but they have our attention to say the least. Their designs are innovative and promising, and the wait between now and SHOT Show is going to kill us.

    al Al Happiness is a warm gun. 3.1.2013 22:07  20152
    2x 1911 ?Zajimava pistole z Arzenalu ziskala i povoleni pro prodej do U.S.Snad se sem podari ocs vylepit ty me informace o tom vcetne fotek z e.malu?Al
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 3.1.2013 19:43  20151
    Ad #20149, pro ty, kdo mají raději obrázky...

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.1.2013 11:49  20150
    Láďa Ninger umřel :(
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.1.2013 01:48  20149
    Ať máš prak a nebo pušku,
    ať jsi mlád a nebo starší
    v novém roce i všech dalších:
    Suchý prach a dobrou mušku!
    al Al Happiness is a warm gun. 1.1.2013 23:03  20148
    SvenJo uz tu mame i u nas ten rok novy i dalsi!Tak se vsichni snazme si jej ve zdravi i s humorem uzivat a na potize i problemy se kazdy z nas vykasli!;-)Al
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 31.12.2012 23:32 - Klub Politika a dění ve světě (19:10) 20147
    al Al Happiness is a warm gun. 31.12.2012 23:07  20146
    taipanDiky za tvuj odkaz.Presne tak,a s tim pokrytcem ,mne tu ted cekaji dalsi jeho 4 roky v uradu.Radeji si tu tim dnes nechci a nebudu kazit svoji vetsinou dobrou naladu.;-)Al

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